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Here you can find all the requirements and installation steps.


These are the minimal tools needed to get started:

The desktop version of Raspberry Pi OS is recommended, but if you just want to have a peak into the project, any OS having Python and Git will work just fine. The RPi is needed to control the Pumps in a real machine, but the program will work fine even without any physical machine.

Install CocktailBerry on the RPi#

After flashing the latest Raspberry Pi 64 bit OS, you can use the provided shell scripts to set everything automatically up on your Raspberry Pi. Or just install the requirements, when you want to have a look into the program on your PC. You can always install the other things later, the docs provide information within each according section.

RPi: Try the new all in one Script

If you are on your Raspberry Pi, you can now also use the so called All In One Script! This will check that git, Python and your OS are compatible for the project and install CocktailBerry including Docker and compose on the Pi.

Just use:

wget -O - | bash
to get the script and run it on the Pi. To easy to be true, isn't it?

To clone and setup this project run:

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/CocktailBerry
# Setup for the RPi
# Docker is optional but needed for some cool extra features
sh scripts/
sh scripts/
# This will set up everything important on your RPi
cd ~/CocktailBerry
sh scripts/
# now we are good to go
python # (1)!
  1. If your system is still using python2 as python command, it is time for an upgrade

This Should be All

As long as you are on the recommended Raspberry Pi + OS, this should be all you need to execute for a complete setup. This provided script will probably not properly work on other systems, since each OS may handle things differently. If you are on another system, have a look into the other instructions, faq or troubleshooting.

Installing Requirements#

On none Pi systems, the best way is to use the provided requirements.txt file. You just need to clone the project and navigate into the folder. If Python is installed, just run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

to get all requirements. Optionally, you can install the single needed dependencies:

  • PyQt5, requests, pyyaml, GitPython, typer, pyfiglet, qtawesome, piicodev, qtsass, pyqtspinner

Install PyQt5 on RaspberryPi#

The PyQt5 installation of pip will probably fail on your RaspberryPi. To install PyQt5 on your Pi run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qt5-default pyqt5-dev pyqt5-dev-tools

More information can be found at riverbank.

Development on Non-Pi Hardware#

When you are working on another hardware (for example on a Windows or macOS engine) it is recommended (but not necessary) to set UI_DEVENVIRONMENT to true. This will enable your cursor. All configuration can be customized under custom_config.yaml, or over the user interface of the program. This file will be created at the first program start.

Touchscreen settings#

It's worth mentioning that I optimized the UI for a touch display with a 800x480 or a 1024x800 resolution. By default, the full screen is also limited to 800x480. So usually, you won't have any problems with the usual HD or uHD screens. You can change the application size with the according config settings, if you want to use a different screen size. See Setting up the Machine / Modifying other Values for more information. If you are using a high resolution screen, I recommend this solution to prevent the UI looking weird.